[Orinoco-users] Mobile Ad hoc Network (MANET) - Testbed Experiments
Siva Sivavakeesar
2007-05-16 09:33:35 UTC
Hello there,

I am sure that you do not mind my contacting you out-of-the-blue like
this and I believe that you are able to help me out. I have been
involved with Mobile Ad hoc Network (MANET) testbed experiments, in
which I am supposed to develop my own routing protocol and compare its
performance with that of another well known protocol called AODV. My
testbed consists of 6 nodes in total and runs Fedora Core 5. I am
using Intel Pro Wireless (IPW) 2200BG pci WiFi card and downloaded the
necessary source for the driver and ieee802.11. Given that mobility
needs to be incorporated, for a meaningful fair comparison, it should
be ensured that in each test run the nodes take the same trajectories.
In order to facilitate this, the APE testbed
(http://apetestbed.sourceforge.net/) has a new mobility metric for
real world tests called "virtual mobility" (vM) that provides movement
instructions to test-participants during the actual testruns.

I wish to incorporate the same functionality in my experiments whereby
users are given movement instructions during each test run. I learnt
that each node needs to log in details pertaining to each received
frame such as RSSI and SNR for this purpose. I modified my driver code
to gather this low-level information. My question now is how to make
use of such information to build my own "Virtual Mobility" model that
helps users take exact movement patterns during each test run.

Thanks in advance for taking your invaluable time to answer my question.

Best Regards,

Siva Sivavakeesar
